Environment & Sustainability
The Tadano Group strives to help protect the global environment and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.
Environmental Policy
We serve society by promoting cooperation between people, machinery, and the environment.
1. Value environmentally responsible behavior.
2. Develop environmentally friendly products.
3. Conduct environmentally responsible business activities.
We address environmental preservation in our business processes, including responding to climate change, achieving “reuse, reduce, recycle” in society, preserving biodiversity, conserving marine and water resources, and reducing and properly managing hazardous substances.
LONg-term environmental goals of the Tadano group
Based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Tadano Group has set itself clear goals:
CO2 emissions
as a result of business activities
CO2 emissions
of our products

From reduced emissions to zero emissions
With our e-PACK and HVO-compatible engines, we offer solutions for environmentally friendly crane operation.